Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street
Image illustrative de Homicide: Life On The Street

Homicide: Life On The Street


Suivez les enquêtes d'un réalisme saisissant de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore... Une des meilleures séries policières des années 90, elle raconte l'histoire des inspecteurs de la Brigade Criminelle de Baltimore qui bossent pour boucler leurs enquêtes même si, comme dans la réalité, ils n'y arrivent pas ...

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Terminée Américaine 45 minutes
Policier, Drama NBC, Série Club 1993

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Image illustrative de l'épisode 4.21 - The Wedding

The Wedding

A trash-talking radio talk-show host makes a proposal to his listening audience. Lewis announces to Kellerman that he is getting married today, then he throws up. He motivates the rest of the squad to help him with the final details as he is getting married ""tonight after the shift ends."" Kay brings her sister with her to the station. Since the whole squad is busy with Lewis' wedding, Gee takes Howard out to work the homicide of the radio talk-show host. One of his listeners took him up on his proposal. Munch is skeptical about the Lewis wedding; he thinks it's an elaborate practical joke. Bayliss and Kellerman vie for the attention of Kay's sister. Gee shoots and kills a potential suspect, but the suspect was in jail at the time of the talk show host's murder. The guy who fingered him admits that he did it as a joke. The wedding is no hoax. During the festivities Pembleton's wife goes into labor.

Diffusion originale : 10 mai 1996

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Diffusion française : 10 mai 1996
Réalisat.eur.rice.s : Alan Taylor
Scénariste.s : Henry Bromell
Guest.s : Chuck Paris , Ivan Scott , Karen Williams , Kevin Grantz , Margaret May , Melissa Leo , Russell Wilson

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